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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Fun Party!

This past weekend we had Madison's 9th birthday party at the pool.  For 10 days...starting July 3rd thru the 13th...I checked the weather forecast EVERYDAY!  Yep...Everyday.  And sometimes several times a day.  What was the forecast  you ask?  0% chance of rain until 3 pm then the chances went up to like 40%.

So the morning of her party...guest what we woke up to...the sun? NOPE!  It was RAIN.  Thankfully no thunderstorms.  But it was rain and kinda cool.  But we still had the party.  I mean seriously they were going to get wet anyway.

She had a blast.  Ten of her friends showed up which was awesome since well it is summer and I know how busy people are in the summer.  We had pizza and cake and of course swimming!
 This kids took a break from swimming to have some pizza!  They were a bit cold since it was raining and the temps were on the cooler side.
 Then we had cake.   You know kids...they all love that.  We had some that like just the icing and soe that like just the cake.  Gotta love 'em!

Madison was so excited to get her doll!  The doll given name was Charlotte, however Madison has several babies and they all start with an M.  So she has renamed her new baby Megan!  
I am just glad that even with the rain all the kids had a good time. We were thankful that even with the rain they could still swim.
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